Silverton Memory Café
The Memory Café provides a weekly meeting place for people, their caregivers and volunteers from Silverton and the surrounding villages, which have concerns ver memory [...]
Poppy Appeal Coffee Morning
Come along and enjoy this Coffee Morning hosted by the The Royal British Legion Women's Section.
Active Retired Men’s and Women’s Fitness Classes
Come along and join in a one-hour enjoyable and revitalising workout for actively retired men and women, under the supervision of a qualified fitness instructor. [...]
NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme
We are delighted that we have a new NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme group starting at Silverton Community Hall in November. Our free nine-month programme helps [...]
Mixed ability Pilates
Mixed ability pilates classes 9am and 10am every Tuesday morning. Booking essential.
Silverton Tae Kwon-Do
Welcome to Silverton Tae Kwon-do. Every Tuesday 5:30-7pm My name is Shane. I am a 5th-degree black belt and have been teaching Tae kwon-do [...]
Silverton Film Club
Held on the third Wednesday of the month except August. Admission free. Doors open at 2.15pm for 2.30pm. half hour intermission for delicious refreshments for [...]
Silverton Memory Café
The Memory Café provides a weekly meeting place for people, their caregivers and volunteers from Silverton and the surrounding villages, which have concerns ver memory [...]
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