Silverton Tae Kwon-Do
Welcome to Silverton Tae Kwon-do. Every Tuesday 5:30-7pm My name is Shane. I am a 5th-degree black belt and have been teaching Tae kwon-do [...]
Silverton Memory Café
The Memory Café provides a weekly meeting place for people, their caregivers and volunteers from Silverton and the surrounding villages, which have concerns ver memory [...]
Active Retired Men’s and Women’s Fitness Classes
Come along and join in a one-hour enjoyable and revitalising workout for actively retired men and women, under the supervision of a qualified fitness instructor. [...]
Silverton Tae Kwon-Do
Welcome to Silverton Tae Kwon-do. Every Tuesday 5:30-7pm My name is Shane. I am a 5th-degree black belt and have been teaching Tae kwon-do [...]
Silverton Film Club
Held on the third Wednesday of the month except August. Admission free. Doors open at 2.15pm for 2.30pm. half hour intermission for delicious refreshments for [...]
Silverton Memory Café
The Memory Café provides a weekly meeting place for people, their caregivers and volunteers from Silverton and the surrounding villages, which have concerns ver memory [...]
80's night with live band 'Decades'
Join us at the community hall for a night of live music from 80's cover band Decade. Doors open 7.30pm 1st set from 8-9pm 2nd [...]
Active Retired Men’s and Women’s Fitness Classes
Come along and join in a one-hour enjoyable and revitalising workout for actively retired men and women, under the supervision of a qualified fitness instructor. [...]
Silverton Tae Kwon-Do
Welcome to Silverton Tae Kwon-do. Every Tuesday 5:30-7pm My name is Shane. I am a 5th-degree black belt and have been teaching Tae kwon-do [...]
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